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Jubilance Mission Statement

To build teams of singers, musicians and support people into faithful disciples and servants of Christ who will share His love through music, testimonies and the preaching of the Word of God in Canada and abroad.




  • JUBILANCE has taken over 1,000 people, both young and older, to Eastern and Western Europe,  Asia,  Caribbean,  South America, USA and across Canada since 1982, 50 countries to date.


  • JUBILANCE has ministered in more than 1,300 concerts since 1982 (the majority being overseas).


  • JUBILANCE is a non-profit organization.  Registration No 894741255 RR 0001.  Tax receipts are issued to sponsors/donors (with a donation of $25 or more).




Manne Ideström




Andrew Gutauskas

Jerry McMurray

Ron Puiras

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